When you purchase a new car, you want to make the most of it. With the rising cost of gas, this often means finding ways to make the most of your vehicle’s fuel mileage. While you can’t change the price of fuel, you can change the way you drive your car to further ensure you’re getting the most mileage possible from every tank of gas.
Be Careful of Your Pedal Habits
After you find your new Mazda for sale and start to drive it, it’s important to go easy on the pedals. When you speed or accelerate rapidly, or if you brake too hard, you can affect your car’s fuel economy by up to 30 percent. Accelerate easily, brake slowly when possible, and pay attention to how you’re using the pedals to ensure you get as much mileage as possible from your gas tank.
Keep Clutter Out of Your Car
While it’s important to keep an emergency kit in your car, it’s a good idea to clear out the rest of the clutter. Even as little as 100 pounds of stuff in the trunk or backseat can reduce how well your car does on gas. Get rid of the extra books, old sports equipment, and anything else that you don’t need to carry in the car.
Keep in mind that outside extras you never use, such as bike racks or roof racks, also add pounds to the car and reduce fuel efficiency. If you absolutely must have a cargo add-on, use a rear-mounted one. They only affect fuel efficiency by one to five percent as compared to a roof rack’s six to 17 percent.
Slow Down When You Can
The faster you drive, the more damage you’re doing to your car’s gas mileage. Naturally, you can’t go 25 miles an hour on the freeway, but that doesn’t mean that you need to speed, either. For every five miles above 50 miles per hour that you drive, your car spends about 22 more cents per gallon. Go the speed limit on the highway and on city streets to ensure you’re getting the most for your money.
Avoid Idling Your Car
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, idling cars consume several billion gallons of fuel each year. Beyond that, you are getting zero miles per gallon when you idle your car. If you will be sitting for longer than 10 seconds, turn your car off. If you pull into a store’s parking lot and spend time checking your phone before you go in, turn your car off first.
If you need a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts after a day at work, keep your car off while you do it. Some newer models even have mechanisms that turn them off at stoplights so that you aren’t wasting too much gas. Avoiding idling is even better for the environment since idle cars create about 80% more pollution than cars in motion do.
Drive More Efficiently and Save on Fuel
The bottom line is that if you want the most out of your gas mileage, you need to keep your car in motion, but don’t do it too quickly. By driving responsibly, you not only keep yourself safe and help the environment but also help your gas tank in the process.