Technology platforms are the heart of modern business systems. They efficiently respond to cross-enterprise business process changes and allow users to modify functionality with low-code development tools.
Companies can now communicate with their employees in different departments and geographic locations instantaneously. This has eliminated many communication barriers and has made it easier to perform tasks remotely.
A technology platform is the foundation upon which a user-facing company builds applications and systems. It can include data management, application development and extension tools, integration, and intelligent technologies like automation and machine learning.
Businesses leveraging automation can create a better customer experience and drive business growth. They can quickly respond to inquiries, streamline processes and provide easier access to information for their customers. This results in improved customer satisfaction, stronger relationships, and more sales.
Automation also increases efficiency and accuracy, reduces errors, and saves time and money. It can even free up human resources to focus on more creative work. For example, a chatbot can automatically redirect customer service requests to a human agent who can provide a more personalized and empathetic response.
The success of modern businesses relies on a wealth of data that can be collected and analyzed to make informed business decisions. Experts like Shohreh Abebi Exec VP, have many thoughts on this. Technology has revolutionized how businesses market by providing access to this information and how customers respond to marketing.
A technology platform is an environment that enables you to build and run applications, systems, and processes. There are several different types of platforms, including operating systems, databases, and cloud services.
A technology platform can enable a company to quickly scale and integrate its business systems. This allows businesses to react to changing customer and market needs faster than traditional companies. Technology platforms can also help reduce the time and cost needed to maintain legacy technology, enabling business growth. This is particularly important for growing organizations that expect a high volume of transactions or rapid growth in Big Data.
Artificial Intelligence
A significant recent development has been the growing sophistication of AI systems. They have surpassed human performance in image recognition and speech processing tasks. These systems can be used to automate business processes and improve customer service.
You may interact with AI daily without realizing it. For example, based on your calendar and search history, Google uses it to make recommendations and predict when you will leave for your next flight. Similarly, media streaming giant Netflix uses it to deliver personalized content to users.
The technology platform revolution is incomplete, but experts expect AI to increase efficiency and productivity across all industries. It will also create jobs that facilitate the transition to AI-based workflows. Some experts worry that as AI becomes more widespread, it will disrupt long-standing processes and create fewer jobs.
Virtual Reality
VR is a powerful technology that allows business owners and employees to work, train, collaborate, and learn in ways not possible before. It’s being utilized by large and small businesses alike.
For example, some use VR to help customers visualize how their new furniture will look in a room. UPS uses VR to train drivers in safety procedures. There has been training workers with VR, allowing them to go on digital field trips to discover how fiber cables and network terminals are installed.
VR can also be used in the defense, manufacturing, and aviation sectors to replicate hazardous situations and hone skills without risking lives. This can cut down on expensive accidents and save time and money. It also makes it easier to communicate information that is otherwise difficult to convey.
Augmented Reality
While the public thinks of VR as a gaming platform and AR as a smartphone app, these technologies are used in industrial markets to improve maintenance, inspection, training, and workflow. For example, a technician can connect with an expert in the field using AR to indicate markings, superimpose models, and provide step-by-step instructions. This helps them avoid costly errors while maintaining productivity.
Consumers know AR through apps that overlay a virtual game over the real world, filters that change the appearance of a photo, and applications that let users try on makeup or furniture in their homes before making a purchase. In addition, automotive companies use AR to show drivers navigation information on their windshields. The technology is also used in education to provide immersive learning experiences and virtual field trips.