Fast Recovery After a Full-Face Augmentation: What You Should Do

Facial augmentation is a well-versed surgical and cosmetic option to change your facial appearance.  If you plan to have a full-face augmentation, you might have many questions about how to fasten the recovery process after …

Fast Recovery After a Full-Face Augmentation: What You Should Do

Facial augmentation is a well-versed surgical and cosmetic option to change your facial appearance.  If you plan to have a full-face augmentation, you might have many questions about how to fasten the recovery process after the surgery. After all, you must return to your life as soon as possible. Keep reading to understand how to promote quick healing after facial augmentation surgery.

Strictly Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

Plastic surgeons and their teams work tirelessly to see their patients safe, better, and healthy. Renowned surgeons like Dr. Joel Aronowitz insist on taking a team approach for the best results. Therefore, don’t override the surgeon with your pre-made treatment plan. Rather, take all the prescribed drugs and instructions even if you feel you don’t need them. Also, make consistent visits to the doctor and share all your medical concerns bothering you.

Eat Nutrients-Rich Foods Only

One of the best tracks to fast healing is taking healthy foods before and after the facial augmentation.  Nutrient-rich foods give your body the healing energy it needs for quick recovery. Your doctor might instruct a change in your diet for a fast recovery. However, keeping up with the dietary plan may be overwhelming. Therefore, create a simple meal plan with foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and fiber boost your immune system. Also, avoid sugary foods since they suppress your immunity.

Remember to Hydrate Your Body

Staying hydrated prevents potential post-operation complications and reduces the chances of infection. In addition, drinking non-carbonated and low-calorie beverages can speed up your healing. Therefore, drinking plenty of plain water, tea, juice, and broth is a great way to keep your body hydrated. Avoid sports drinks with sodium and sugary drinks since they suppress your immunity and upset your body balance.

Grant Yourself Proper Wound Care

Face augmentation surgery doesn’t end in the surgery room. The procedure leaves you with surgical wounds to take care of before full recovery. The incision may take a while before healing, increasing the chances of infection. Therefore, you must protect your wounds properly to minimize discomfort, pain, and in the worst scenario, permanent scars. Your doctor will provide guidelines on proper wound management techniques to lower surgical complications after the surgery.

Rest More and Work Less

After the full-face augmentation operation, you must give yourself ample time to heal. Note that this isn’t the time to overwork yourself.  This technique may mean taking a short leave, avoiding strenuous work, and vigorous physical exercises that strain your wounds over the first month following a facial augmentation. Along these same lines, getting enough sleep as your doctor recommends and rest more for fast healing is important.

Regardless of your full-face augmentation reason, the healing timeline is a bothering factor to consider even before you go under the knife. However, if you know how to accelerate your healing process, you have nothing to worry about. Although different people have variant recovery speeds, the above tips are general to everyone seeking to experience their new and better appearance in the fastest way possible.

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